Almost monthly sensing of the troposphere from 500 to 7000 m above Karakansky bor (Novosibirsk Province) are conducted since 1997 up to now by using of the aircraft-laboratory "Optik" based on Antonov-30 or Tupolev-134. Aerosol sampling on to Petryanov filters AFA-CP-20 for subsequent laboratory quantitative analysis of the content of inorganic ions and the next elements in the aerosol composition: Al, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ti, V, Be, Cd, Si, Co, Cr, Sr, Zn, Zr was performed for each flight. For the region of the study of tropospheric aerosol, the chemical composition of the aerosol was classified for the main air masses during the period of airborne sounding from September 1997 to June 2017 - continental arctic, continental moderate, and combined into one “southern” group of the continental tropical and subtropical air masses. Explicit "southern" origin, along with silicon, have chromium, manganese, silver and bicarbonate-anion. To the same group, the ions of chlorine and sodium are attracted, which probably were transported together with salt particles originating from Central Asian deserts.