been a caring, patient, and effective mentor and friend. He was always there when I needed to discuss research ideas, process, and writing, even when I was in a time zone that was 12 hours ahead of him. This level of care and commitment was extended beyond this dissertation; it was throughout this journey. I guess I can now say I am glad that I did not go to Norway instead ;). I would also like to thank my committee members, Drs. Suzanne Woods-Groves, Matthew O'Brien, Allison Bruhn, and Shawn Datchuk, for their suggestions and comments that improved this dissertation. Many thanks to Dr. Woods-Groves for her help and guidance when Dr. Hua is not physically around. Special thanks are also owed to Dr. Susan Ainsleigh and Ms. Shumaila Jaffrey for seeing my potential and having confidence in me. Without them pushing me to pursue a Ph.D., I don't know if I would have even started one yet, let alone finish it. Last but not least, I am grateful to many of my friends and confidants at the University for keeping me sane through the process: Derek, Kinga, Kristin, Jing, Lanqi, and Michelle. Without them, this journey would have been very lonely.