It is critical in health care to neither overuse nor underuse resources. One of the key decisions in surgical treatment is to determine whether a patient can safely undergo an ambulatory procedure or requires hospital admission and observation. Patients admitted after a procedure undergo further stratification by admission status: to observation, inpatient ward, high-dependency unit, or intensive care unit (ICU). It is essential to accurately determine the optimal location for a patient after surgical treatment, balancing resource allocation with perioperative risks. A dynamic tension exists between overtriage to higher levels of care when not necessary, given that this is costly and is not associated with meaningful changes in perioperative outcomes, and conversely undertriage, which can also be associated with increased costs but may additionally be associated with worse perioperative outcomes. The Goldilocks admission dilemma of too hot, too cold, or just right has not yet been optimized. In this longitudinal, cross-sectional study, Loftus and associates 1 developed a machinelearning model to identify undertriage to hospital wards among patients after surgical procedures.They defined patients who were undertriaged as those who were sent to the floor but found to be in the top quartile of hospital mortality risk and who subsequently required a prolonged ICU stay of more than 48 hours. Out of more than 12 000 postoperative ward admissions during the 6-year study period, 10.6% of admissions were identified as undertriaged. By using this model, the authors found that, compared with risk-matched ICU admissions, undertriaged postoperative admissions had an increased risk of mortality and morbidity, namely unplanned intubation, acute kidney injury, and longer hospital length of stay.Existing models for postoperative triage have been primarily based on high-risk surgical procedures, as defined by estimated mortality rates of 5% or more, 2 or guided by basic tools, such as the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), calculated in the preoperative and postoperative setting. 3 The study by Loftus et al 1 is unique in that it takes machine-learning algorithms from preoperative and intraoperative data to estimate patients at increased risk of postoperative complications. In developing this model, the authors found that primary procedure, scheduled postoperative location, intraoperative minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration measurements, and duration of inhalation anesthetic were among the most important features of estimators associated with mortality and prolonged ICU stay.The authors point out that compared with appropriately triaged postoperative ward admissions and risk-matched control ICU admissions groups, the undertriaged admissions group was older, had an increased proportion of admitted patients identifying as Black or African American, and had increased area deprivation indices, suggesting increased socioeconomic disadvantage. The undertriaged admissions group also had increased Charlson Comorbidity Index scores...