S1. Current UK flood hazard and risk datasets: further informationUK flood hazard and risk information at national and sub-national scales can be found in five broad classes of data product: 1. Floodplain zonation (i.e., hazard) maps for fluvial, coastal and sometimes pluvial flooding developed separately by government bodies in the devolved regions of the UK (Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England) and predominantly used to inform land use planning decisions.2. Flood risk maps or spatially aggregated risk data (i.e., the product of flood probability, exposure and vulnerability) also produced by the devolved administrations and predominantly used to inform flood defence investment policy and long-term risk planning.3. Current and future flood risk estimates produced as part of the UK's Climate Change Risk Assessment process.4. Flood hazard and risk data produced by commercial modelling firms at national scale, predominantly for use in the insurance and financial sectors.5. Data on insured losses available from the Association of British Insurers.These are described briefly in the main text, however further details for certain methods are provided below for interested readers.
S1.1 UK flood hazard maps in the devolved administrationsGovernment floodplain hazard maps show the land area likely to be inundated by specific low probability flood events and are compiled separately by the Department of Infrastructure Rivers in Northern Ireland (DfI Rivers), Natural Resources Wales (NRW), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), and the Environment Agency (EA) in England. Each devolved region has its own mapping approach, and these differ in terms of the types of flood considered (pluvial, fluvial or coastal), the return periods that are modelled, whether or not flood defences are taken into account and how the maps are made