Abstract:Graphene is an attractive material for spintronics due to theoretical predictions of long spin lifetimes arising from low spin-orbit and hyperfine couplings. In experiments, however, spin lifetimes in single layer graphene (SLG) measured via Hanle effects are much shorter than expected theoretically. Thus, the origin of spin relaxation in SLG is a major issue for graphene spintronics. Despite extensive theoretical and experimental work addressing this question, there is still little clarity on the microscopic origin of spin relaxation. By using organic ligand-bound nanoparticles as charge reservoirs to tune mobility between 2700 and 12000 cm 2 /Vs, we successfully isolate the effect of charged impurity scattering on spin relaxation in SLG. Our results demonstrate that while charged impurities can greatly affect mobility, the spin lifetimes are not affected by charged impurity scattering.
Keywords:graphene; spintronics; spin relaxation; mobility; charged impurity scattering 2 Single layer graphene (SLG) is a promising material for spintronics due to theoretical predictions of long spin lifetimes based on its low intrinsic spin-orbit and hyperfine couplings [1][2][3][4][5] . However, spin lifetimes measured in SLG spin valves are much shorter (0.05 -1.2 ns) 6-9 than predicted (100 ns -1 s) [1][2][3][4][5] . Thus, the origin of spin relaxation in SLG has become a central issue for graphene spintronics and has motivated intense theoretical and experimental studies. Theoretical studies of spin relaxation include impurity scattering 10 , ripples 5 , spin orbit domains 11,12 , and substrate effects 13 , while experimental studies have investigated contact-induced spin relaxation 7, 9, 14 , ripples 15 , band structure effects 6,14,16 , edge effects 7 and charged impurity scattering 6, 8 .However, apart from recognizing the requirement for high quality tunneling contacts to suppress contact-induced spin relaxation 9 , there is little clarity regarding the origin of spin relaxation. To address the situation, it is crucial to develop experimental techniques that systematically isolate the various microscopic sources of spin relaxation.In this work, we successfully isolate the effect of charged impurity scattering on spin relaxation in SLG by exploiting the novel tunable mobility imparted by organic ligand-bound nanoparticles on the SLG surface 17 . The nanoparticles act as charge reservoirs that freely transfer charge with graphene at room temperature. At low temperature, the frozen charge distribution on the nanoparticles results in SLG mobility ranging from 2700 to 12000 cm 2 /Vs. This approach is able to isolate the effect of charged impurity scattering on spin relaxation more clearly than previous investigations based on adatom deposition 8 . This is because depositing adatoms to the graphene surface could introduce additional effects such as short-range scattering, lattice deformation, and/or spin-orbit coupling, whereas such effects should be minimized in the current approach. Additionally, we utilize tunne...