The operating conditions and the propellant transport properties used in Earth-to-orbit (ETO) applications affect the aerothermodynamic design of ETO turbomachinery in a number of ways. This paper discusses some aerodynamic and heat-transfer implications of the low molecular weight fluids and high Reynolds number operating conditions on future ETO turbomachinery. The objective of this work was to examine turbine blading concepts for increasing life and reliability by reducing thermal heat load. Using the current Space Shuttle main engine high-pressure fuel turbine as a baseline, aerothermodynamic comparisons were made for two alternate fuel turbine geometries. The first was a revised first-stage rotor blade designed to reduce peak heat transfer. This alternate design resulted in a 23% reduction in peak heat transfer. The second design concept was a single-stage rotor designed to yield the same power output as the baseline two-stage rotor. Since the rotor tip speed was held constant, the turbine work factor doubled. In this alternate design, the peak heat transfer remained the same as the baseline. Although the efficiency of the single-stage design was 3.1 points less than the baseline two-stage turbine, the design was aerothermodynamically feasible and may be structurally desirable.
NomenclatureC\ = slope of heat-transfer augmentation curve C p = specific heat c = chord D = leading-edge diameter e = kinetic energy loss coefficient h = heat-transfer coefficient / = enthalpy m = exponent in heat-transfer correlation N s = number of stages Nu -Nusselt number based on diameter Pr = Prandtl number p = pressure q -heat flux R = gas constant Re = Reynolds number based on blade leading-edge diameter T = temperature T u = turbulence intensity U = wheel speed V -absolute velocity v = specific volume W = relative velocity Z = compressibility factor a = absolute flow angle | 8 = relative flow angle 7 A/T = ratio of specific heats = output specific work = efficiencyPresented as Paper 88-3091 at the AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 24th