There have been few reports classifying the biophysical characteristics of Korean women with healthy skin. Consequently, the aim of this study was to find the most useful parameters for categorizing skin types based on a clinical assessment. One hundred and three female volunteers, aged 20-59, participated in this study. We conducted a self-evaluation questionnaire, a clinical assessment of the facial skin, and non-invasive measurements on the cheek under controlled environmental conditions. The questionnaire survey indicated that 72% of respondents had dry skin. However, results of the clinical assessment focusing on skin roughness and scaling of the cheek showed that 6 subjects had very dry skin (6%), 29 had dry skin (28%) and 68 had normal skin with sufficient moisture (66%). We analysed the correlation between the clinical assessment and biophysical parameters. As a result, we obtained six biophysical parameters that had relatively higher correlations with clinical assessment than other parameters. Our study provided general information about the physiological characteristics of normal skin in Korean women and suggested useful parameters for characterizing dry skin.