A new measurement system, consisting of a mobile array of 50 microphones that form a spherical surface of radius 0.2 m, that images the acoustic intensity vector throughout a large volume is discussed. A simultaneous measurement of the pressure field across all the microphones provides time-domain holograms. Spherical harmonic expansions are used to convert the measured pressure into a volumetric vector intensity field on a grid of points ranging from the origin to a maximum radius of 0.4 m. Displays of the volumetric intensity image are used to locate noise sources outside the volume. There is no restriction on the type of noise source that can be studied. An experiment inside a Boeing 757 aircraft in flight successfully tested the ability of the array to locate flow-noise-excited sources on the fuselage. Reference transducers located on suspected noise source locations can also be used to increase the ability of this device to separate and identify multiple noise sources at a given frequency by using the theory of partial field decompositions. The frequency range of operation is 0 to 1400 Hz. This device is ideal for the diagnostic analysis of noise sources in commercial and military transportation vehicles in air, on land, and underwater.