Level-dependent changes in temporal envelope fluctuations in speech and related changes in speech recognition may reveal effects of basilar-membrane nonlinearities. As a result of compression in the basilar-membrane response, the "effective" magnitude of envelope fluctuations may be reduced as speech level increases from lower level (more linear) to midlevel (more compressive) regions. With further increases to a more linear region, speech envelope fluctuations may become more pronounced. To assess these effects, recognition of consonants and key words in sentences was measured as a function of speech level for younger adults with normal hearing. Consonant-vowel syllables and sentences were spectrally degraded using "noise vocoder" processing to maximize perceptual effects of changes to the speech envelope. Broadband noise at a fixed signal-to-noise ratio maintained constant audibility as speech level increased. Results revealed significant increases in scores and envelope-dependent feature transmission from 45 to 60 dB SPL and decreasing scores and feature transmission from 60 to 85 dB SPL. This quadratic pattern, with speech recognition maximized at mid levels and poorer at lower and higher levels, is consistent with a role of cochlear nonlinearities in perception of speech envelope cues.K e y w o r d s : b a s i l a r -m e m b r a n e r e s p o n s e s , compression, human, speech envelope, vocoder