IIBSTRIICr. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been shown to accelerate fetal lung maturation in rabbits, lambs, and rhesus monkeys in riro and increase surfactant synthesis in vitro. Its effect on the maturation of the lung antioxidant enzyme system, however, is unknown. We studied the effect of EGF (10 nhl) on 19-d fetal rat lung esplant cultures in serum-free medium in air/S% C 0 2 or >90% 0 2 / 5 % C 0 2 compared with similarly grown control cultures in air or hyperosia a t 72 h. Fetal lung activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase were unchanged by EGF in air, whereas glutathione peroxidase activity was significantly decreased ( p < 0.05 rersus air control). lIowever, in hyperosia, EGF-treated fetal lung cultures had significantly elevated superoside dismutase and catalase activities ( p < 0.01) versus 02-exposed controls, and glutathione perosidase activity similar to that of controls. 'l'he mRNA levels for all the antioxidant enzymes showed patterns similar to the enzyme activities escept in the case of Cu,Znsuperoside dismutase mKNA, which increased in EGF-air cultures. E G F decreased the rate of '11-choline incorporation into disaturated phosphatidylcholine in air (p < 0.01 versus air control), but increased disaturated phosphatidylcholine synthesis in response to hyperosia ( p < 0.01 rersus O 2 control). The histologic appearance of EGF-treated cultures in O2 was superior to that of 02-exposed controls, which showed thickened septa1 walls, decreased surfactant in the air spaces, and epithelial cell mitochondria1 swelling. EGF therefore accelerates antiosidant enzyme and disaturated phosphatidylcholine maturation under hyperosic conditions and protects fetal rat lung cultures from hyperosic injury. This accelerated 02-dependent maturation by EGF occurs at the pretranslational level.
TNA, total nucleic acidIn all mammalian species studied to date, there is a late gestational increase in surfactant and a par;1IIeI increase in the AOE system ofthe lungs ( I , 2). These late gestational biochemical changes prepare the fctal lungs for the transition from a fluidfilled state in a relatively 0.-poor intrauterine environment to air breathing in a relatively 0.-rich environment at birth (3). The prematurely born infant with a poorly developed surfactant system is prone to develop severe RDS and requires early mechanical ventilation combined with 0. therapy. Prolonged 0. therapy is associated with the development of chronic lung disease or bronchopulmonary dysplasia believed to be due in part to a poorly developed AOE defense system to counteract toxic O2 radical species generated by hyperoxia (3. 4).Lung maturation is known to be regulated or modulated by a number of hormones, among them the polypeptide EGF (5). 111 viro, EGF has been shown to enhance maturation of alveolar type 11 cells and increase surfactant production in fetal rabbits (6, 7) and rhcsus monkeys (8). Similarly. E G F increased morphologic maturation of the fetal lung and decreased RDS in fetal lambs (9). EGF also caused similar effects ...