Evaluating the effect of Histoacryl on the outcome and recurrence rate after excision and primary closure of sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease. Forty patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus were randomly divided into 2 equal groups through computer randomization program. Group I was operated by complete excision of sinus with wound closure using Histoacryl. Group II was operated with primary wound closure by interrupted inverting sutures. Mean operative time was 31.5 ± 5.6 minutes in group I and 35.9 ± 5.1 minutes in group II. Mean healing time was 13.4 ± 2.7 days in group I and 18.0 ± 8.9 days in group II. Wound infection occurred in 2 patients (10%) in Group II. Delayed wound healing occurred in 3 patients (15%) in group I and 4 patients (20%) in group II. Recurrence occurred in 1 patient (5%) in group I and 3 patients (15%) in group II. Histoacryl improves outcome (significantly decreases operative and healing times and increases patient satisfaction score, insignificantly decreases rates of complications and recurrence) after excision and primary closure of sacrococcygeal pilonidal disease.