Nasal telangiectasias are superficial, small vessels in the ala nasi and nasolabial crease with a varying origin. They represent an unaesthetic condition, frustrating patients who frequently request their removal. Microsclerotherapy, electrosurgery, different types of laser therapy, needle‐assisted electrocoagulation, and TRASER therapy have been described for treating this condition.
The aim of this study is to describe a novel technique that removes nasal telengectiasias using voltaic arc dermabrasion (VAD).
Voltaic arc dermabrasion treatment was used to remove nasal telangiectasia in 23 patients. The post‐treatment condition was monitored by means of photographic records and the evaluation of erythema, pain score, patient and surgeon satisfaction, and skin temperature. The timing points were 1, 4, 6 days and 1 year after treatment.
Patients referred a moderate pain during the treatment that ceased at the end of the procedure. Moderate erythema and punctiform fine crusting were present in all patients that lasted until the 6th day after treatment. No other adverse effects were observed. After 1‐year, the mean patient and surgeon satisfaction scores were 2.90 and 3.00 ± 0.3, respectively. A single treatment was effective in 85% of the patients and no recurrences were recorded for one year. The skin temperature increased about 18.2 ± 3.2°C during the treatment but returned to basal values in about 20 seconds in most of the patients.
Voltaic arc dermabrasion treatment is a viable, easy to use, and inexpensive tool for successful nasal telangiectasia removal, with minimal post‐treatment discomfort.