The type material together with additional populations of four Achnanthidium species, most likely important indicator species in unpolluted, carbonate-rich habitats were studied. Navicula pyrenaica W.Smith was described by Smith (1857, p. 8, pl. 2, fig. 5, here reproduced in Fig. 1) from the Pyrenees, where it was found in freshwater at Gave de Lizez near Cauterets, 803 m a.s.l., and at Gave de la Reine, 822 m a.s.l., France (Smith 1857). Later, Meister (1912, p. 97, pl. 12, figs 21-22, here reproduced in Fig. 16) described Microneis gracillima F.Meister from the basin of a fountain ('Brunnentrog') in the Alptal, Switzerland, without providing details about the locality (the slide from the Meister Collection marked as type is labelled '21.9.1907, Alptal, Microneis gracillima F.Meister'), and without reference to the taxon Smith (1857) described. Meister collected during many excursions from several hundred localities in all parts of Switzerland between 1901-1911 and we assume he collected the material of M. gracillima himself. Nothing to the contrary is said in Meister (1912, p. 5) where he listed friends and colleagues who donated their collections for his work. Lange-Bertalot & Krammer (1989) 122