The paper presents a methodology for modeling the coupled flight dynamics with aeroelasticity in the time domain. The equations of motion are based on linearized mean-axes formulation. Unsteady, incremental aerodynamics due to elastic deformations are modeled in the time domain, applying the strip theory and a indicial function. The methodology is demonstrated with a prototype of the utility aircraft Stemme S15. Comparisons between the simulation and the flight-test data regarding the added aeroelastic dynamics have indicated that the model is suited for the flight control law and aircraft design, and that care must be taken in modeling the control surface lift slope for lowaspect-ratio lifting surfaces. Nomenclature A SIM ∕A FT = ratio of acceleration amplitudes from simulation and from flight test b = wingspan, m c = chord, m c = wing aerodynamic mean chord, m F C A , F NC A = vectors of circulatory and noncirculatory aerodynamic forces, N F ext = vector of external forces, N G = gravity acceleration vector, m∕s 2 J = inertia tensor, kg · m 2 l C , l NC = circulatory and noncirculatory lift per unit span, N∕m M C A , M NC A = vectors of circulatory and noncirculatory aerodynamic moments, N · m M ext = vector of external moments, N · m m = mass, kg m C , m NC = circulatory and noncirculatory pitch moments per unit span, N · m∕m n e = number of elastic modes O A G = global aerodynamic reference frame (origin at the aircraft center of gravity) O A L = local aerodynamic reference frame O B G = global body reference frame (origin at the aircraft center of gravity) O B L = local body reference frame O I = inertial reference frame p = position of a mass element relative to the center of gravity, m p d = elastic displacement (p − p r ), m p r = undeformed position of a mass element relative to the center of gravity, m p, q, r = nondimensional angular rates Q η = vector of generalized loads, N ⋅ m R = position of a mass element relative to the origin of O I , m R 0 = position of the center of gravity relative to the origin of O I , m r EA = position vector of the elastic axis of a wing section relative to the origin of O B L , m S = reference (wing) area, m 2 S 1.1 : : : S 7.1 = accelerometers of measurement set 1 S 1.2 : : : S 7.2 = accelerometers of measurement set 2m∕s V = velocity vector, m∕s w f 3∕4 = downwash caused by elastic displacements at the three-quarter-chord, m∕s X = 1 α β p q r T X flex = vector of states in the flexible model X RB = vector of states in the rigid-body model x AC , x EA , x 3∕4 = x positions of the aerodynamic center, the elastic axis, and the three-quarter-chord in O B L , m α L = local angle of attack, rad β L = local sideslip angle, rad γ EA k = equivalent kth modal torsion at elastic axis positive in pitch down, rad Δϕ = response phase difference between flight test and simulation, deg η = vector of modal amplitudes Λ= dihedral angle, rad λ 1 , λ 2 = aerodynamic lag states, m/s μ = diagonal matrix of modal masses, kg · m 2 ξ = diagonal matrix of structural modal damping ratios ξ SIM ∕...