The fresh water deficit on Earth was estimated at 230 billion m 3 /year in 2000; this value takes into account the water for agricultural and industrial purposes (Domashenko and Vasilyev, 2018). The total amount of freshwater in Europe (approx. 2270 km 3 /year) shows that the water resources are relatively abundant (EEA Report No 2/2009). In Poland, the average discharge of surface waters is approx. 58.6 km 3 , the average water resource index is 1.4 dam 3 /year per person (GUS 2019). According to estimations, the water resources in Europe amount to approx. 4750 m 3 /year per person on average, it shows that Poland is one of the countries with the poorest water resources (Walczykiewicz, 2014, Łabędzki, 2016, GUS, 2019). The quality of the Polish surface water is low (Patro & Zubala, 2012). The low quality and deficiency of water, compels the use of irrigation (also agricultural irrigation) water from different sources, which allows for the efficient use of poor water resources (Tarjuelo et al., 2010, Lykhovyd et al., 2019, Jawecki et al., 2019a). Quarry lakes often emerge in mine pits, after the exploitation of mineral deposits is over; the water resources contained in these lakes can be used by agriculture and the economy (Axler