As part of our work in defining a standard set of stationary phases for gas chromatography, we reported the specific retention volumes and retention indices I of upwards of thirty hydrocarbon solutes with OV-1 and SE-30 polydimethylsiloxane solvents at 30° to 8OoC [l]. Only minor differences in absolute retentions were found between the two, while there were virtually no differences in relative retentions. However, we have pointed out elsewhere [2,3] that retentions with these gums may in fact be slightly different from those with the less viscous phases OV-101 and SP-2100. The mechanism of retention in the former case appears in fact to amount in part to swelling of the polymer surface, while that with the latter phases evidently corresponds to homogeneous solution. As a result, 4 increases slightly on passing from OV-101 to OV-1 for solutes which solvate the polymer well, while a slight decrease is found for solutes which solubilize the gum only poorly.In order to provide a basis for assessment of these effects, we report here the retentions, Table 1, and the retention indices, As before, we of course invite and encourage comparison of these results with those of others and in addition, offer the data as standards of precise and accurate absolute retentions and retention indices for the systems listed.