In recent years, methane (CH 4 ) has received increasing scientific attention because it is the most abundant non-CO 2 atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) and controls numerous chemical reactions in the troposphere and stratosphere. However, there is much that is unknown about CH 4 sources and sinks and their evolution over time. Here we show that near-surface cavities in the uppermost vadose zone are now actively removing atmospheric CH 4 . Through seasonal geochemical tracing of air in the atmosphere, soil and underground at diverse geographic and climatic locations in Spain, our results show that complete consumption of CH 4 is favoured in the subsurface atmosphere under near vapour-saturation conditions and without significant intervention of methanotrophic bacteria. Overall, our results indicate that subterranean atmospheres may be acting as sinks for atmospheric CH 4 on a daily scale. However, this terrestrial sink has not yet been considered in CH 4 budget balances. M ethane (CH 4 ) is currently the most abundant non-CO 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere, reaching a global average concentration of B1,800 p.p.b. at midnorthern latitudes 1 . Despite significant research progress in recent years, large uncertainties remain about the CH 4 budget and its evolution over time because there is a lack of knowledge about CH 4 sinks and sources [2][3][4][5] . Superimposed on the long-term trend of increasing atmospheric CH 4 , there is significant interannual variability 1,6,7 , and the sources of variation remain controversial 8 .Current CH 4 estimates account for B22% of the total forcing potential of all long-lived GHGs 9 . By weight, CH 4 is 28 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO 2 over a 100-year period 10 . Sensible mitigation strategies also require a quantitative understanding of the CH 4 budget regarding emissions and sinks 11 . The total global emissions of CH 4 are constrained reasonably well by atmospheric observations and estimates of its lifetime, based on multiple atmospheric CH 4 inversion models (top-down studies). However, the uncertainties concerning emissions/consumption from individual sources/ sinks 12 are greater, and they are poorly constrained by the current atmospheric observation network 6 . Some unaccounted sinks (or sources) could contribute the global CH 4 budget and its long-term variations.The Earth's surface exerts its influence on the free atmosphere through the atmospheric boundary layer. This lowest portion of the atmosphere ranges from a few tens of metres to 1-2-km deep 13 . The subsurface atmosphere is usually overlooked as an important part of this boundary layer. At the top of the subsurface layer in the vadose zone (below the subsoil and above the groundwater table) highly specific biogeochemical processes occur, which may act as regulators of gas exchanges between the surface and the free atmosphere.The uppermost part of the vadose zone may contain large amounts of underground air, that is, a CO 2 -rich air reservoir permeating the unsaturated...