Introduction: fractures of the fifth metatarsal have various forms of treatment, depending on the type of injury and the person who suffered it. They have great importance and frequency in athletes. They usually occur due to different trauma mechanisms. They were first described in 1902. They are the most prevalent metatarsal fractures and need to be recognized and treated in a timely and appropriate manner.
Objective: to detail the current information related to the fifth metatarsal fracture, classification, description, treatment, recovery time as well as the different surgical techniques.
Methodology: a total of 29 articles were analyzed in this review, including review and original articles, as well as clinical cases, of which 19 bibliographies were used because the other 10 articles were not relevant for this study. The sources of information were PubMed, Google Scholar and Cochrane; the terms used to search for information in Spanish, Portuguese and English were: fractura de pie, 5th metatarsal fracture, Jones fracture. Fracture of the fifth metatarsal, fratura do quinto metatarso.
Results: the anatomical division system of Lawrence and Bottle is still used. CT and MRI could be considered in the case of delayed healing, stress fracture with normal radiographs or in nonunion. Surgical options include intramedullary screw fixation, bone grafting procedures or a combination of both. Surgical treatment of fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal in professional athletes offers good clinical results.
Conclusions: Regarding the current information related to the fracture of the fifth metatarsal, we note the importance of classification, clinical and social history of the patient, for the appropriate choice of treatment, both conservative and surgical. As for the recovery time in conservative treatment varies depending on the affected area. In delayed union or nonunion, surgical intervention should be performed.