ABSTRACT. This paper studies two topologies on [6] to be the proper setting to study sequences of functions which converge uniformly on compact subsets. One of the distinguishing features of this topology is that whenever x is locally compact the compact-open topology on C(X) is the coarsest topology making the evaluation map e:X C(X)--. continuous (where e(x,])= f(x)).The compact-open topology and the topology of uniform convergence are equal if and only if x is compact. Because compactness is such a strong condition, there is a considerable gap between these two topologies. This gap was especially felt in [8] while studying the completeness of a normed linear space of continuous linear functionals on C(X) with the compact-open topology.Because of this, a new class of topologies was introduced in [7] on C*(X) to bridge the gap, where c*(x) is the set of bounded functions in C(x). This also generalized the a-compact-open topology