Esophageal fisfula samples of tropical forage contained 66.4% more crude protein and 7.7% less crude fiber than the average figure for the clipped pasiure forage. The percentage crude protein of herbage leaves was approximately 55% higher and the perceniage crude fiber was approximately 17% lower than fhe whole plant. The importance of selective grazing by sheep was originally pointed out by Stapledon (1927) and by Fagan (1929) who stated further that cattle were selective as to parts of plants eaten. This conclusion was subsequently investigated and confirmed by Johnstone-Wallace (19 3 7) and Johnstone-Wallace and Kennedy (1944). In 63 grazing trials with cattle (Hardison, Reid, Martin, and Woolfolk, 1954) forage selected showed a higher percentage of crude protein and a lower per-1 The authors wish to express their appreciation to Mr. D. Stewart, District Veterinary Officer, Ankole, for his assistance during the surgical preparation of the fistulas; to Mr. K. W. Harker for botanical assessment of grass communities; to the United States Educational Commission under whose sponsorship D.T.T. worked as a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar and to the Commissioner of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry for permission to publish this paper.