In this study, one hundred and sixty, 12 weeks old, Fayoumi and Lohman Selected Leghorn (LSL) were used. Birds were housed individually. Performance of hens was recorded from sexual maturity up to the peak of egg production. Plasma concentration of progesterone (P4), estradiol (E2) and ionized calcium were determined at 4 and 2 weeks before sexual maturity (SM), at SM and at the peak of egg production. During ovulatory cycle at the peak of egg production P4, E2 and ionized calcium were determined at zero, 6, 12, 18 and 24h post-oviposition. Eggshell quality was measured. Productive performance of LSL was better than Fayoumi hens, while eggshell quality of Fayoumi was higher than LSL. Plasma concentration of P4, E2 and ionized calcium were significantly increased at SM. Plasma concentration of estradiol and ionized calcium were higher in Fayoumi than LSL hens allover stages studied. Higher levels of P4, E2 and ionized calcium were associated with egg calcification through ovulatory cycle. The highest level of P4 was determined at oviposition.