Density-dependent (DD) and density-independent (DI) effects play an important role in shaping fish growth rates, an attribute that correlates with many life history traits in fishes. Consequently, understanding the extent to which DD and DI effects influence growth rates is valuable for fisheries assessments because it can inform managers about how populations may respond as environmental conditions continue to change (e.g., threats from climate change). We used a Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis (RGCT) capture-mark-recapture data set collected over 2 years along a temperature and density gradient in northern New Mexico streams to test the extent to which DD and DI effects interact to influence specific growth rates. We found that temperature (DI) and density (DD) interacted with RGCT life stage (i.e., immature or mature) to affect growth rates. We only detected evidence of a negative DD effect on RGCT growth for the immature fraction of a population when exposed to the warmest stream temperatures. Our results suggest that competition most strongly affected the immature portion of RGCT populations, and this effect was only detectable when temperatures were warmest and energetic stress was likely at its highest. The quadratic relationship between temperature and growth rates also demonstrated that stream temperatures were below as well as above optimal growth temperatures for RGCT. Growth rates in our RGCT populations were influenced by complex interactions of DD and DI effects, and our results suggest that the negative consequences of warming trends associated with climate change on RGCT populations may be exacerbated by DD effects.Determining the strength of density-dependent (DD) versus density-independent (DI) effects on fish population dynamics can provide valuable information for natural resource managers. Density-dependent effects are defined as the compensatory manner in which populations respond to changes in abundance, while DI effects reflect