Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the significance of contralateral testis size in predicting monorchism in pediatric patients with unilateral undescended testis.
Materials and Methods:The data of patients who underwent surgical operation by a single pediatric urologist for undescended testis between 2013 and 2016 was evaluated retrospectively. The patients were grouped as having monorchism (M), nonpalpable intra-abdominal testis (NPIAT), and palpable undescended testis (PUDT). The dimensions of the testes were measured ultrasonographically and recorded before operation. Patients with nonpalpable testis underwent diagnostic laparoscopy and patients with PUDT underwent inguinal orchiopexy. Results: A total of 57 children with a mean age of 31 (11-60) months were evaluated. Of the children, 12 had M, 9 had NPIAT and 36 had PUDT with a similar mean age (p>0.05). The size of the descended testis was found to be significantly small in NPIAT* and PUDT** groups compared to the M group (*p<0.05, **p<0.001). However, the size of the undescended and descended testes was found to be similar between NPIAT and PUDT groups (p>0.05).
Conclusion:The size of the testis in the scrotum might help to localize the position of the undescended testis. Keywords: Monorchism, nonpalpable intra-abdominal testis, palpable undescended testis, testis, ultrasonography What's known on the subject? and What does the study add?Previous studies have proven the relationship between testicular hypertrophy and undescended testis. However, these evaluations are done with a caliber and/or orchidometer, which are not quite accurate, compared to testicular ultrasonography. The present study investigated the utility of testicular ultrasonography and shown specificity and sensitivity levels of different contralateral testis diameter in predicting monorchism. Of all diameters, a contralateral testis greater than 20 mm can predict monorchism with an accuracy of 80% sensitivity and 83% specificity.
ÖzAmaç: Çalışmanın amacı tek taraflı inmemiş testisi olan çocuk hastalarda monoorşidizmin öngörüsünde kontralateral testis boyutunun öneminin değerlendirilmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2013 ve 2016 yılları arasında kliniğimizde tek cerrah tarafından ameliyat edilen inmemiş testisi olan çocuk hastaların verileri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Çocuklar monoorşidizm (M), intraabdominal palpe edilemeyen testis (İAPET) ve palpe edilebilen inmemiş testis (PEİT) olarak gruplandırıldı. Uygulanan cerrahi yöntem öncesinde testis boyutları ultrasonografik olarak ölçüldü ve kaydedildi. Palpe edilemeyen testisi olan çocuklara tanısal laparoskopi, PEİT'si olan çocuklara inguinal orşiopeksi operasyonları uygulandı.