Abstract. Due to the competition and changing needs of the world, universities strive to analyze these needs to timely offer necessary educational programs. One of the newest trends in engineering education is sustainable development. To support the concept and implement it into life it is necessary to train specialists able to promote sustainable development that inevitably leads to the necessity to develop educational programs embracing newest approaches considering up-to-date conditions and requirements. There are many efforts globally to develop educational programs for sustainable development. One of the common problems for Universities around the world is the virtual absence of comprehensive educational programs preparing specialists for sustainable development at all three levels of educational process: Bachelor's, Master's and PhD levels. Authors analyze the content of existing educational programs for sustainable development and suggest using Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate (CDIO) Approach, Standards and Syllabus that might be successfully applied for the development of up-to-date educational programs for sustainability at all three levels of educational process.