Recruitment process is a progressive and time-consuming activity for an enterprise, usually connected with high costs. Even multi-stage and complex recruitment processes are connected with the risk of failure, an eff ect of which is an unfi lled vacancy. Every organization aims to achieve the highest possible level of effi ciency of the recruitment process in a way that they hire the person who possesses the required competences for a particular position, in the shortest possible time and with the lowest costs. Th erefore, a signifi cant element of every recruitment process is both a proper plan for the whole recruitment process, as well as eff ective check of competences of a potential candidate. Th e research proves that the costs connected with the replacement of an employee range from 1/3 of the annual earnings even up to the value of the two-year remuneration in the case of a high-level manager, it is dependent on the position for which the recruitment process is conducted. Being aware of costs, it is signifi cant to optimize the whole process within organization. New solutions and requirements of the labour market make candidates change the approach to recruitment process. All the time, lack of preparation for interviews may be observed among candidates, starting from the mistakes made at the level of CV preparation , up to the lack of knowledge concerning the organization and its products. Th is paper aims to discuss the ways and tools of the recruitment process optimization in the case of organization, indicating the ways of preparing candidates for recruitment so that they could eff ectively present their own achievements.