We derive analytic expressions for the critical temperatures of the superconducting (SC) and pseudogap (PG) transitions of the high-Tc cuprates as a function of doping. These are in excellent agreement with the experimental data both for single-layered materials such as LSCO, Bi2201 and Hg1201 and multi-layered ones, such as Bi2212, Bi2223, Hg1212 and Hg1223. Optimal doping occurs when the chemical potential vanishes, thus leading to an universal expression for the optimal SC transition temperatures. This allows for the obtainment of a quantitative description of the growth of such temperatures with the number of layers, N, which accurately applies to the Bi, Hg and T l families of cuprates. We study the pressure dependence of the SC transition temperatures, obtaining excellent agreement with the experimental data for different materials and dopings. These results are obtained from an effective Hamiltonian for the itinerant oxygen holes, which includes both the electric repulsion between them and their magnetic interactions with the localized copper ions. We show that the former interaction is responsible for the SC and the latter, for the PG phases, the phase diagram of cuprates resulting from the competition of both. The Hamiltonian is defined on a bipartite oxygen lattice, which results from the fact that only the px and py oxygen orbitals alternatively hybridize with the 3d copper orbitals. From this, we can provide an unified explanation for the d x 2 −y 2 symmetry of both the SC and PG order parameters and obtain the Fermi pockets observed in ARPES experiments.