A random experimental study is presented, where the treatments and their repetitions were arranged in an Entirely Casualized experimental delineation. The experiments were conducted in the Agronomic Institute-IAC in Campinas, from the 17 th to 23 rd of March, 2006 (Phase 1) and from the 1 st to 7 th of August, 2006 (Phase 2). One of the study's goals was to search within the Biophysics area, new devices and technology, which could help to identify the effect of Floral Essences in living systems. Bean seeds were adopted and received three types of treatment (wetting): Treatment 1 (water), Treatment 2 (water using alcohol as vehicle-in this case brandy) and Treatment 3 (water using alcohol as a vehicle plus Flower Essence-Walnut). The biophotonic emission and the biological growth parameters were analyzed during the germination in Phases 1 and 2. For the biophotonic measurement results, it was not possible to obtain graphics that characterized with precision the photons emission, because external factors such as luminosity, climatologic ones and the choice of sand as substrate made the reading of the data impossible. In the biological measurement of Phase 1, in the first three days of germination the seeds remained in the germination chamber only with water. The Variance Analysis for the seedlings height produced an F value of 0.1200, with a variation Coefficient of 10.51%, and for the roots length an F value of 0.4800 with a Variation Coefficient of 12.49%. The Tukey Test was realized a posteriori, producing results with none statistical significance. In Phase 2, the differentiated rules were used from the very beginning of the germination, as a consequence the variance analysis for the seedlings height produced an F value of 0.0584 with a Variation Coefficient of 13,76%, and for the roots length the F value was 0,0538 with a Variance Coefficient of 12.40%. The Tukey Test was realized a posteriori, producing results with none statistical significance. In this phase another measurement was included: the roots weight, for which F was 0.005, showing that there occurred a statistically significant difference in the roots weight average according to the treatment used and the Variance Coefficient obtained was 6.25%. For the Tukey Test statistic significance was obtained, and this result indicates that the Flower Essence in this experiment stimulated a better blossom of the roots (fasciculation), and this phenomenon helped the seedlings to overcome the water stress as well as to establish a bigger resistance to the attack of radiculars patogenous. For this experiment the interaction of three big areas of knowledge was necessary: Nursing, Agronomy and Electric Engineering. This demonstrated the importance of promoting interdisciplinary research, because only in this way one could promote the search for devices that showed the action of Alternative/Complementary Therapies when utilized.