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Documents inThe U.S. has been under pressure to abandon the unique first-to-invent feature of its patent law for awarding patents. The opposition to reform however argues that switch to a first-to-file rule, the international norm, will undermine innovation. We evaluate this argument in a dynamic stochastic model of a patent race. The result generally supports the opposition's argument.
JEL Classification numbers: L3, O31,O34Keywords: first-to-file, first-to-invent, patent law harmonization, innovation, U.S. patent law, First-to-invent versus first-to-file:International patent law harmonization and innovation Abstract: The U.S. has been under pressure to abandon the unique first-to-invent feature of its patent law for awarding patents. The opposition to reform however argues that switch to a firstto-file rule, the international norm, will undermine innovation. We evaluate this argument in a dynamic stochastic model of a patent race. The result generally supports the opposition's argument.