We used morphological and molecular differences to confirm the identities of red scale (Aonidiella aurantii) and yellow scale (A. citrina), and their primary parasitoids, in Australia. An extension to the distribution of yellow scale was confirmed. Six primary parasitoids of red scale were identified: Aphytis chrysomphali, A. lingnanensis, A. melinus, Comperiella bifasciata, Encarsia citrina, and E. perniciosi. With the exception of A. lingnanensis, these parasitoids, and a species of Aphelinus, were detected in association with red scale during studies in citrus orchards in coastal New South Wales between 2009 and 2012. Two races of A. melinus were recorded: one from the Indian Subcontinent, the other previously only recorded in China. The studies, and reviews of historical records, led us to conclude that 4 parasitoids, A. lingnanensis, C. bifasciata, and both species of Encarsia, were present in Australia before successful or unsuccessful formal introductions between 1902 and 1970. The A. melinus race previously recorded in China may also have been present before the Indian Subcontinent race was formally introduced in 1961. We suggest the possibility that the natural distribution of some of the parasitoids may include East and Southeast Asia, and parts of Australasia. We found no reports of native armored scales being recorded on species and hybrids of Citrus introduced to Australia, and no reports of introduced armored scales being recorded on native Rutaceae, including 6 species of Citrus. However, we subsequently recorded yellow scale on Geijera parviflora, a native rutaceous tree.