A Na+,K+-ATPase inhibitor was purified from 88.6 1 pig urine with a yield of approximately 10 pg. It inhibits the ouabain-sensitive uptake of "Rb into human erythrocytes and the specific binding of ouabain to Na+,K+-ATPase. It also exhibits cross-reactivity to anti-ouabain serum. The purification procedure consisted of adsorption chromatography on an Amberlite XAD-2 column, preparative scale CI8 low-pressure liquid chromatography (LPLC), and five steps of HPLC with five different types of reverse-phase columns. The dose dependence of the purified substance for the inhibition of ouabain-sensitive Na+,K ' -ATPase activity and 86Rb uptake into human erythrocytes, and for the ouabain-displacing activity, paralleled those of ouabain, spanning two orders of magnitude in concentration range. However, the curve obtained from the cross-immunoreactivity with antiouabain serum did not parallel that of ouabain. The inhibitory potencies of the purified substance against the Na+-pump and ouabain-binding were diminished with increasing K' concentration, exhibiting characteristics typical of cardiac glycosides. This substance had no effect on Ca2 +-ATPase activity in human erythrocyte plasma membrane and skeletal-muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, nor on Mg2+-ATPase activity. Acid treatment with 6 M HC1 at 115°C for less than 1 min destroyed approximately 82% of the inhibitory activity of the purified substance against Na+-pump activity. Alkaline treatment with 0.2 M NaOH at 23°C for 2 h and heat treatment at 150°C for 30 min