677 1 Currently, inductively coupled plasma mass spec trometry (ICP MS) is one of the leading methods for the determination of the elemental composition of various objects [1][2][3][4][5][6]. ICP MS reveals such unique characteristics as the possibility to perform simulta neous multielemental analysis, high sensitivity, broad dynamic range, high signal stability, and not least important-high productivity. One of the main prob lems in ICP MS is spectral interferences, arising from the formation in plasma of many ions of argon, hydro gen, oxygen and other sample components as well as doubly and triple charged ions. While in plasma, or passing through interface, these ions undergo plasma chemical reactions to form polyatomic ions with almost the same mass as one of the element's isotope being determined. The spectral resolution of quadru pole mass analyzer as well as the resolution of double focusing mass spectrometer is not always sufficient to separate those ions. As a result, the signals of analyte ion and the interfering molecular ion are represented in mass spectrum as a single peak.Spectral interferences in ICP MS can be ranged as follows:1) isobaric interferences caused by the overlapping of the signals of isotopic ions of different elements, having almost the same mass;2) overlaps from doubly charged ions; 3) polyatomic overlaps arising from the formation in plasma of ions, containing more than one atom.The example of isobaric interference is the overlap of 40 Аr and 87 Sr on 40 Ca and 87 Rb respectively. In most cases isobaric interferences do not create a problem, because for virtually any element, except for artificial and enriched isotopes, it is possible to choose an iso tope that is free from an isobaric overlap. Besides, iso 1 The article was translated by the authors. baric interferences can be accounted for using simple mathematic correction equations, considering the known natural abundance of isotopes [5,7,8]. Dou bly charged ion overlaps, for example 138 Ва 2+ / 69 Ga + , very rarely create a problem and, as a rule, are of rela tively low intensity because the second ionization potentials of most elements are quite high. Doubly charged ion overlaps can be suppressed by the correct tuning of spectrometer and can be accounted for using mathematic correction.The most part of publications is dedicated to poly atomic interferences. Several hundreds of possible polyatomic ions are described in literature [7⎯9]. The informative review (168 references) in Russian on polyatomic spectral interferences is presented in [8]. When analyzing aqueous solutions, the most abundant ions in plasma are the ones containing oxygen atoms-oxides (MeO + , ArO + ), argon atoms-argides (Ar 2 + , MeAr + ), and their combinations with the inclu sion of other atoms, for example, hydrogen-hydrox ides (H n O + , ArOH + , MeOH + ), hydrides (ArH + , MeH + ) etc. It is obvious that depending on the com position and the concentration of elements in a sam ple and the tuning parameters of spectrometer (for ward power, sampling depth ...