__________________________________________________ 1 Introduction ____________________________________________ 1 Location of the Rinconada fault __________________ 1 Purpose and scope _______________________________ 2 Acknowledgments-_______________________________ 2 Major geologic relations of the Rinconada fault ______________ 2 Nomenclature and definition__________________________ 2 Regional relations _______________________________ 6 Concealed position of southwestern border of the Salinian block__________________________________ 8 Rock units ________________________________________ 9 Crystalline rocks ______________________________ 9 Franciscan rocks __________________________________ 9 Upper Jurassic(?) and Cretaceous marine sedimentary sequence _______________________________________ 12 Upper Cretaceous and lower Tertiary marine sedimentary sequence ___________________________________ 12 Middle Tertiary sedimentary sequence ______________ 13 Upper Tertiary sedimentary sequence ________________ 16 Valley sediments ____________________________ 16 Surficial deposits ______________________________ 19 Segments of the Rinconada fault __________________________ 19 Rinconada fault (Nacimiento segment) from San Rafael Mountains to Pozo area ___-._______________-_.____ 19 Other faults near and possibly related to the Nacimiento segment of the Rinconada fault ____________________ 20 Rinconada fault (Rinconada segment) from Rinconada mine to Paso Robles _________________________ 21 Rinconada fault (San Marcos segment) from Paso Robles to San Antonio Reservoir ____________________________ 23 Rinconada fault (Espinosa segment) from San Antonio Reservoir to Reliz Canyon ______________________ 25 Page Segments of the Rinconada fault Continued Relationship of Rinconada fault to Jolon and related faults __________________ _ 29 Geophysical expression of the Rinconada fault ____ ____ Reliz fault ________________________________________________ King City fault ______________________________________ Reliz fault in Arroyo Seco area________________________ Reliz fault at base of Sierra de Salinas __________________ Possible northwestward extension of the Reliz fault _____ Regional evidence of large strike-slip movement on the Rinconada-Reliz fault zone ____________________________ Movements in Quaternary time _______________________ Movements in Pliocene time _________________________ Movements since early Miocene time ____________________ Movements in Oligocenel?) time ___________________ Possible movements in preLate Cretaceous time ______ Strike-slip movement as suggested by configuration of buried surface of basement complex ________________ Regional tectonics along and near the Rinconada-Reliz fault zone ________________________-_-_-__-__-_-____-Concepts of tectonic evolvement of the Coast Ranges ____ Tectonic pattern _______________________________ Tectonic features of the east strip ____________________ Tectonic features of the west strip _________________ Regional tectonic analysis ______________________________ Regional ...