was well known for his passion for axial gauges and for the formulation of gravity in terms of Cartan variables. The combination of the two applied to two-dimensional dilaton gravity is the basis of the "Vienna School", which provided numerous significant results over the last seventeen years. In this review we trace the history of this success with particular emphasis on dilaton supergravity. We also present some previously unpublished results on the structure of non-local vertices in quantum dilaton supergravity with non-minimally coupled matter.
Historical Introduction
Early Attempts to Non-Einsteinian Gravity in 2DThe earliest works by Wolfgang Kummer connected to gravity in two dimensions 1-4 date back to the year 1991, where he realized together with Dominik Schwarz that the Katanaev-Volovich model,2) * Email: bergamin@tph.tuwien.ac.at † Email: meyer@mppmu.mpg.de a Here R abcd are the components of the curvature two-form written with tangent space indices only, T abc are the components of the torsion form, and µ, γ, λ are constants. In the second line, we expressed everything in terms of the Ricci scalar R = R µν µν and the Hodge dual of the torsion form, T a µν = ǫµν τ a .