The 160 Gd( 9 Be,α3n) 162 Dy reaction has been used to study high-spin states in 162 Dy. Pulsed beam conditions were utilised for enhanced isomer sensitivity. An isomer at 2188.1(3) keV with a half-life of 8.3(3) µs has been discovered and assigned K π = 8 + with a 2-quasineutron configuration. Among eleven γ-ray decay branches, an E2, ∆K= 8 transition to the ground-state band was observed with a reduced hindrance of fν =35, agreeing well with systematics correlating fν with the product of the valence neutron and proton numbers (NpNn) over an extended N, Z range. Small deviations from NpNn dependence are analysed for a range of 2-quasiparticle isomer decays, and interpreted as arising from a weak dependence on the isomer excitation energy relative to the yrast line.PACS numbers: 23.35.+g, 21.10.Ky, 23.20.Lv Understanding the decay rates from high-spin isomers in deformed nuclei remains a considerable challenge [1], and lacks an appropriate theoretical framework. Nevertheless, such isomers, apart from their own structural interest, may be important more generally -in astrophysical environments, at the limits of stability, and controversially, for novel energy storage applications [2]. The present work attempts to clarify the relative importance of some of the degrees of freedom involved in isomer deexcitation.The K quantum number is the projection of the angular momentum on the symmetry axis of the deformed nuclear shape. Half-life measurements for isomer decays that involve a change of K can establish the degree to which K is conserved. The reduced hindrance [1] for the isomeric state (f ν = F 1/ν W ) relates the Weisskopf hindrance factor for the decay (F W = T γ 1/2 /T W 1/2 ) to the K-forbiddenness (ν = ∆K − λ), where T γ 1/2 is the partial gamma half-life, T W 1/2 is the Weisskopf estimate, and λ is the γ-ray multipolarity. This systematic approach to categorising isomer decay rates can be extended by considering variables that reduce K-conservation by generating mixing [3].One form of K-mixing arises due to the Coriolis effect, which intensifies with decreasing neutron and proton number in the lower half of the N = 82 → 126 and Z = 50 → 82 shells due to the population of high-j, low-Ω orbitals. In contrast, greater axial asymmetry occurs with increasing neutron and proton number in the upper half of the shells, leading to an increase in K-mixing associated with γ-tunnelling, where γ is the axial asymmetry parameter. The systematic effect of Coriolis and γ-induced Kmixing may surprisingly be characterised through a single variable, the product of the valence neutron and proton numbers, N p N n , at least for 2-quasiparticle (2QP) iso- * Electronic address: mers decaying by E2 transitions [4]. The N p N n product has proven be useful in describing structural changes over extended regions [5]. For higher QP numbers there is a level-density effect that manifests as a dependence on the isomer's excitation energy relative to a rigid rotor (E − E R ), which is correlated with greater K-mixi...