Logika, wiedza i czas. Problemy i metody temporalno-logicznej reprezentacji wiedzy (Logic, Knowledge and Time. Problems and Methods of Temporal-Logical Representation of Knowledge), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2013, 357 pages, ISBN 978-83-7431-375-9.The book under review is written in Polish by the logician Dariusz Surowik. Its title Logika, Wiedza i Czas. Problemy i metody temporalnologicznej reprezentacji wiedzy can be translated into English in the following way: "Logic, knowledge and time. Problems and methods of temporal-logical representation of knowledge." As its title suggests, it covers topics from the disciplines of temporal and epistemic logic. It also concerns the issue of fibring logics in a more general form. The book may be seen as something in between a monograph and a textbook. Its rather narrow and specific field of interest (systems of temporal epistemic logic) should alert the reader that he is dealing with a highly specialized monograph. This said, the material contained in the book progresses smoothly, so the reader isn't overwhelmed with complicated formalisms and results right away. Starting form the basics, the author introduces some fundamentals of modal logic which makes the book accessible for non-logicians who are motivated to acquire high-quality information in the field of epistemic and temporal logic. Nonetheless, some familiarity with basic set theoretical notions and classical logic is needed for a full understanding. Its rich, mainly English bibliography supports the claim that the book is a very good, up-to-date coverage of modern epistemic,