The oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is involved in various renewable energy systems,such as water-splitting cells and metal-air batteries.N i-Fel ayered double hydroxides (LDHs) have been reported as promising OER electrocatalysts in alkaline electrolytes.T he rational design of advanced nanostructures for Ni-FeLDHs is highly desirable to optimize their electrocatalytic performance.H erein, we report af acile self-templated strategy for the synthesis of novel hierarchical hollown anoprisms composed of ultrathin Ni-FeL DH nanosheets.T etragonal nanoprisms of nickel precursors were first synthesized as the self-sacrificing template.A fterwards, these Ni precursors were consumed during the hydrolysis of iron(II) sulfate for the simultaneous growth of al ayer of Ni-FeL DH nanosheets on the surface.T he resultant Ni-FeL DH hollow prisms with large surface areas manifest high electrocatalytic activity towards the OER with lowo verpotential, small Tafel slope,and remarkable stability.