We report on the effects of magmatic hydrothermal fluids on the mineralogical and geochemical compositions of 12U and 12L Coals from the Meitian Mine in the Meitian Coalfield, southern China. The minerals in 12U Coal are predominantly chlorite, quartz, and calcite, while the minerals in 12L Coal consist mainly of illite, quartz, chlorite, kaolinite, and mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S). The vesicle- and fracture-filling illite, chlorite, I/S, pyrite, and fluorite, cleat- and fracture-filling carbonate minerals (i.e., calcite, and dolomite), and cleat-filling tremolite, diopside, and talc have epigenetic hydrothermal origins. Tremolite, diopside, and talc were probably formed from the reaction between dolomite and Si-rich magmatic hydrothermal fluids. Elevated Pb–Zn–Sn–Cd assemblages are characteristic for the 12U Coal, while 12L Coal is enriched in W, Rb, Cs, Th, V, Zn, and Zr, most notably W, Rb, and Cs. REY (Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium) plots for almost all coals, partings and host rocks are similar, showing an M-type REY distribution, Gd-maximum, positive Y anomalies, and negative Ce anomalies, suggesting acid hydrothermal circulation in the coal-bearing strata. Rubidium and cesium in the coal is clearly associated with K-rich clay minerals (illite + I/S), and to a lesser extent with silicate minerals that were precipitated from hydrothermal solutions. W in the coals mainly occurs in the inorganic constituents of illite and pyrite, especially illite. Enrichment of W, Rb, and Cs in the coal and host rocks is genetically associated with magmatic hydrothermal fluids. Specifically, magmatic hydrothermal fluids of relatively high temperatures that are rich in volatile matter can extract abundant W, Rb, and Cs from granitic melts. The enrichment of these rare metals in the coal is mainly related to illitization. Our study results suggest that, for coal intruded by magmatic rocks, the type of hydrothermal alteration may greatly influence the enrichment of elements.