In the theory of disordered systems the spectral form factor S(τ ), the Fourier transform of the two-level correlation function with respect to the difference of energies, is linear for τ < τ c and constant for τ > τ c . Near zero and near τ c its exhibits oscillations which have been discussed in several recent papers. In the problems of mesoscopic fluctuations and quantum chaos a comparison is often made with random matrix theory. It turns out that, even in the simplest Gaussian unitary ensemble, these oscilllations have not yet been studied there. For random matrices, the two-level correlation function ρ(λ 1 , λ 2 ) exhibits several well-known universal properties in the large N limit. Its Fourier transform is linear as a consequence of the short distance universality of ρ(λ 1 , λ 2 ). However the cross-over near zero and τ c requires to study these correlations for finite N. For this purpose we use an exact contour-integral representation of the two-level correlation function which allows us to characterize these cross-over oscillatory properties. The method is also extended to the time-dependent case.