AGRADECIMENTOSAo amigo e orientador Prof. Dr. Vítor Heloiz Nascimento pelo incentivo e orientação, bem como pelos longos períodos dedicados a esta tarefa em detrimento de seus próprios afazeres.Aos meus pais pela paciência que tiveram em meus momentos de exaltação durante as várias etapas que tiveram de ser superadas até a conclusão desta dissertação.A Itautec Philco S.A., empresa em que trabalho, pelas horas e esforços que me permitiram desviar a este trabalho.
ABSTRACTThis dissertation deals with time-domain equalization of digital communications systems based on orthoghonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), usually referred as pre-FFT equalization in the technical literature. Such systems were originally designed to require no time equalization but can profit from its use, as is shown in this work. An uncoded simulator of the OFDM-based European system for terrestrial digital television transmission, the digital video broadcasting (DVB-T), was implemented in software. Many simulations were run to compare the performance of the traditional DVB-T reception method with the equalized version proposed. Several digital signal processing techniques were used to simulate as diverse fenomena as: generation of the source signal, effect of multipath communications channels, presence of additive white Gaussian noise, LMS (Least Mean Square) equalization, among others. In order to develop a solid base, the work includes mathematical studies about the general OFDM theory, models of communications channels and the basic principle of operation of the LMS algorithm. Since the DVB-T was used as a practical study case, a technical description of the system is presented, in which many problems and aspects about its generation and reception are discussed. To provide the reader with a historical and technological insight on the subject, this work also includes a summary of the landmarks in the development of the OFDM since the first experiments.