Introduction Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an invasive procedure for both diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and biliary pathologies. The process requires a certain depth of sedation. The purpose of conscious sedation is to keep verbal communication while ensuring the patient unresponsive to painful stimuli [1]. Patients should be kept at least at the level of conscious sedation or slightly deeper. Sedation scoring can be used to achieve this; in our study, the Ramsay sedation scale (RSS) scoring was employed. General anaesthesia may be preferred, especially for patients with severe cardiac and respiratory problems. Under general anaesthesia, the patient's airway is safer and hemodynamic instability can be controlled better. Nitrous oxide and nasal masks, as well as adequate sedation levels, are frequently applied in patients with paediatric dental problems [2]. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) Background/aim: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) often requires deep sedation. Propofol provides adequate sedation and amnesia at subhypnotic doses, but safe guarding the patient's airway is important for preventing respiratory depression or hypoxic events. This study compared sedation levels, operator satisfaction, intraoperative and recovery characteristics using sevoflurane with nasal mask and propofol in ERCP. Material and methods: Sixty-one patients underwent ERCP (Group I: propofol, n = 31; Group II, sevoflurane, n = 30), with sedation controlled by the Ramsay sedation scale (RSS). The patients' demographic data, procedure length, overall drug dose, hemodynamic changes, duration of recovery and Aldrete scores during recovery were evaluated. In addition, satisfaction of the gastroenterologist was evaluated. Results: The mean sphincterotomy satisfaction scores were statistically significant (P= 0.043). The Aldrete scores and RSS of the groups were similar; there was a significant difference between groups at the beginning of the procedure regarding peripheric oxygen saturations and Group II's saturation levels increased during sedation. Conclusion: In ERCP, propofol infusion provides shorter recovery duration and adequate sedation levels. Sevoflurane and oxygen with a nasal mask can be chosen to generate specific anaesthesia in patients, especially for strong airway support and safety treating hypoxemic patients.