First molar extraction is one of the most common procedures performed in dentistry units. It is sometimes accompanied by complications such as alveolar osteitis, infection, hemorrhage, dysesthesia and also iatrogenic fracture. This article describes a rare case of mandibular body fracture that occurred in patient during the extraction of one erupted first molar, including a brief review of the literature.
Keywords: First molar extraction; Complication; Mandibular fracture
Case PresentationA 28-year-old female was referred to our department by a general dental practitioner (GDP) after the dentist attempted to extract the patient's lower first molar tooth with forceps. She was a healthy young woman with no history of significant medical problems. In intraoral examination there was a mandibular body fracture in socket place with mobile parts, the patient was unable to open her mouth ( Figure 1,2). Based on details indication of extraction was carries and pain of first molar. The radiographic examination revealed a mandibular unfavorable body fracture including buccal and lingual table and also a remained root ( Figure 3,4 and 5). The patient also stated that while the dentist was extracting the tooth, he had used the forceps without supporting the alveolar bone segment. After general anesthesia with nasal intubation, by intaoral vestibular incision the fracture line was exposed and the remained root was surgically extracted, then upper and lower IMF screws was placed and the patient fixed in occlusion with wire, then the fracture line was reduced anatomically and fixed with miniplates and screws, then IMF wires opened and mouth opening was controlled and incision sutured. The patient had IMF for 2 weeks (Figure 6,7), an uneventful recovery and normal occlusion.
DiscussionDentists encounter a wide range of hard-tissue injuries in practice. Dental extractions are one of the most common procedures in dentistry and may lead to several complications, including sinus complications, osteitis, infection, dysesthesia, pain, and bleeding [1,2]. Frequently seen injuries include those associated with concomitant dentoalveolar trauma and those inadvertently caused by the dentist in practice. Factors affecting the incidence and etiology of iatrogenic mandibular fractures include the magnitude of tooth impaction, type of tooth angulation, length of roots, patient age, age and experience of the surgeon, presence of a cyst or tumor around teeth, systemic disease or medications that may impair bone strength, preoperative infections in the site, and inadequate preoperative examination [3][4][5]. A fracture occurs when the strength of the bone is overcome by the forces acting on it. The mandible is fractured 2-3 times more frequently than other facial bones because it has less bony support [6,7]. The body of the mandible is naturally strengthened by a system of buttresses extending onto the ramus. We believe that the fracture Case Report