The component composition of nobleyarrow L. essential oil growing in Azerbaijan was studied for the first time by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method. 35 components, mainly terpenoid compounds, are identified in the essential oil of which the main ones are 15 components: artemisia ketone (23,7%), α-thujone (22,4%), 2-bornanone (6,4%), eudesma-7(11)-en-4-ol (6,3%), eucalyptol (4,5%), cubenol (3,3%), lavandulol (3,0%), β-thujone (2,9%), β-eudesmol (2,7%), methyl hinokiate (2,1%), terpinene-4-ol (1,7%), 1,2-longidione (1,3%), limonen-6-ol, pivalate (1,2%), neryl (S)-2-methylbutanoate (1,1%), сaryophyllene oxide (1,0%). As a result of noble yarrow essential oil research it was determined that, essential oil has high antimicrobial activity relative to Staphylacoccus aureus.