We prove that the space of real analytic functions A( ) on an arbitrary open set R d has a Fréchet infinite dimensional quotient space with a continuous norm.In the paper [10] (comp.[11]) we proved that every Fréchet quotient of A ( ) has the very restrictive property ( ). This was a crucial point in the proof that A ( ) has no basis. It was quite annoying (see the remark after Theorem 5.2 in [10]) that up to now the only infinite dimensional Fréchet quotients known to us were isomorphic to the space C N of all sequences. That might have suggested that our analysis of Fréchet quotients of A ( ) contained in [10] was far from being optimal. Here we show that there are plenty of pairwise non-isomorphic infinite dimensional Fréchet quotients of A ( ), even Köthe sequence spaces with continuous norms are among them. Theorem 1. There is a Köthe sequence Fréchet space λ 1 (B) with a continuous norm such that for every open set R d the space λ 1 (B) is a quotient space of A ( ). Let us note that the paper [7] contains the full description of LB and Fréchet subspaces of A ( ) as isomorphic respectively to subspaces of H (D d ) and H (D d ), if is connected. In general, Fréchet subspaces are isomorphic to subspaces of H (D d ) p where p is the cardinality of the set of connected components of . It follows easily from [7] that LB quotients (or LB complemented subspaces) of A ( ) are exactly quotients (or complemented subspaces) of H (D d ). By [10] we know that Fréchet complemented subspaces of A ( ) are finite dimensional. The problem of a description of Fréchet quotients of A ( ) remains still open.The present paper is a step toward the structural theory of the space A ( ). We believe that it is worthwhile to develop such a theory because an analogous theory for Fréchet spaces has proved to be very useful in the study of classical operators on them and in solving problems Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): Primary 46E10; Secondary 46A04, 46A45, 46A63.