The identity of an unknown environmental
pollutant is reflected
by the mass and dissociation chemistry of its (quasi)molecular ion.
Gas chromatography–atmospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass
spectrometry (GC-APCI-MS) increases the yield of molecular ions (compared
to conventional electron ionization) by collisional cooling. Scanning
quadrupole data-independent acquisition (SQDIA) permits unbiased,
unattended selection of (quasi)molecular ions and acquisition of structure-diagnostic
collision-induced dissociation mass spectra, while minimizing interferences,
by sequentially cycling a quadrupole isolation window through the m/z range. This study reports on the development
of a suspect screening method based on industrial compounds with bioaccumulation
potential. A comparison of false and correct identifications in a
mixed standard containing 30 analytes suggests that SQDIA results
in a markedly lower false-positive rate than standard DIA: 5 for SQDIA
and 82 for DIA. Electronic waste dust was analyzed using GC and quadrupole
time-of-flight MS with APCI and SQDIA acquisition. A total of 52 brominated,
chlorinated, and organophosphorus compounds were identified by suspect
screening; 15 unique elemental compositions were identified using
nontargeted screening; 17 compounds were confirmed using standards
and others identified to confidence levels 2, 3, or 4. SQDIA reduced
false-positive identifications, compared to experiments without quadrupole
isolation. False positives also varied by class: 20% for Br, 37% for
Cl, 75% for P, and >99% for all other classes. The structure proposal
of a previously reported halogenated compound was revisited. The results
underline the utility of GC-SQDIA experiments that provide information
on both the (quasi)molecular ions and its dissociation products for
a more confident structural assignment.