In the study of Quaternary deposits of the Crimea selected two phases. In the first stage (since the late XIX century to the sixties of XX century) stratigraphic description of the Quaternary strata was based on the allocation of terraced complexes (a marine terraces - in the coastal part and synchronous them alluvial ones - in continental part of the Crimean peninsula). In the second stage description of the Quaternary deposits is made on the basis of their climatic and stratigraphic dissection under the leading role of the loess-soil formation structure. The basis for stratigraphic subdivision of Quaternary deposits of the Crimea was the structure of the valleys of the paleo-Dnieper and paleo-Dniester. It is shown that the nonlinear, reversible character of Black sea level changes that took place in the Quaternary can be broken a rule “the lower the hypsometrically level of the terrace is, the younger this terrace is”.