The mechanical behavior of carbonate-bearing fluorapatite (CFAP) (with up to 5.5 wt% CO ) was investigated at high pressure up to 7 GPa. (Framont region, France). Preliminary characterization at ambient conditions was done by single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. The structure refinements, in space group P6 /m, confirm a type-B substitution of the phosphate (PO ) group by the carbonate ion (CO ) . The site occupancies for the C atom are 0.04 for FOW and 0.11 for FRA CFAP, in quite good agreement with the 1.6 and 5.5 wt% CO amount obtained by analytical methods. Single-crystal high-pressure XRD study on the two type-B CFAP samples was performed. The FOW and FRA crystals were mounted concurrently in a ETH-type DAC and cell parameters were determined at 26 different pressures up to 6.86 GPa at room T. The variation with pressure of the unit-cell parameters and volume shows no discontinuity that could be related to any possible phase transition in the P range investigated. The linear compressibility coefficients are β = 3.63 × 10 GPa and β = 2.47 × 10 GPa for FOW, and β = 3.67 × 10 GPa and β = 2.65 × 10 GPa for FRA, giving an axial anisotropy of β :β = 1.47:1 and 1.38:1, respectively. The P-V data were fitted by a second-order Birch-Murnaghan EoS and the resulting BM2-EoS coefficients are V = 519.81(7) Å , K = 92.1(3) GPa for FOW, and V = 518.95(9) Å , K = 89.1(4) GPa for FRA CFAP. The results obtained indicate that a 5.5 wt% CO content (type-B) reduces the isothermal bulk modulus by about 9%.