Simple general formula describing the pressure-volume-temperature relationships ͑p-V-T͒ of elastic solids is constructed from theoretical considerations. The semiempirical equation of state ͑EOS͒ was tested to experiments of perovskite 0 -109 GPa and 293-2000 K. The parameters providing the best fit are B 0 = 267.5 GPa, V 0 = 24.284 cm 3 , ␣ 0 = 2.079ϫ 10 −5 K −1 , ץB 0 / ץp = 1.556, and ␣ץ 0 / ץp = −1.098ϫ 10 −7 K −1 GPa −1 . The root-mean-square deviations ͑RMSDs͒ of the residuals are 0.043 cm 3 , 0.79 GPa, and 125 K for the molar volume, pressure, and temperature, respectively. These RMSD values are in the range of the uncertainty of the experiments, indicating that the five-parameter semiempirical EOS correctly describes the p-V-T relationships of perovskite. Separating the experiments into 200 K ranges the semiempirical EOS was compared to the most widely used finite strain, interatomic potential, and empirical isothermal EOSs such as the Birch-Murnaghan, the Vinet, and the Roy-Roy, respectively. Correlation coefficients, RMSDs of the residuals, and Akaike Information Criteria were used for evaluating the fitting. Based on these fitting parameters under pure isothermal conditions the semiempirical p-V EOS is slightly weaker than the Birch-Murnaghan and Vinet EOSs; however, the semiempirical p-V-T EOS is superior in every temperature range to all of the investigated conventional isothermal EOSs.