Compression Therapy is a non-invasive application in the treatment of leg wounds. Bandage that is not done will cause lower leg edema when the swollen exudate is retained on the surface of the wound which will result in maceration of the skin around the wound, in cases of venous blood vessels there is a high risk of plasma leakage and venous thrombosis and cross infection of the factor. external so that healing can prolong the healing of diabetic foot wounds. Pressure dressings are implemented to improve the healing process of diabetic foot wounds which can stabilize venous pressure in the legs so that it can accelerate the circulation of blood vessels again, with a bandage pressure value . Objective: This study aims to determine how the effect of pressure dressing on the process of healing diabetic foot injuries. Methods: This study is a scooping review. Research sources were taken from several databases, with the keywords Compressions Bandage OR Diabetic Foot Ulcer OR ABI and Quantitative. From the PubMed, EBSCO, ProQuest and Elsevier databases found all 455,414 journals. Screening of all journals using PRISMA starting from identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion, obtained a whole database of 14 journals that meet the inclusion criteria. Result: The compression dressings have been shown to improve the healing process of diabetic foot wounds, improve venous blood flow, reduce leg edema and lower the ankle brachial index.