Since their development in 2001, regularised stokeslets have become a popular numerical tool for low-Reynolds number flows since the replacement of a point force by a smoothed blob overcomes many computational difficulties associated with flow singularities , SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23, 1204. The physical changes to the flow resulting from this process are, however, unclear. In this paper, we analyse the flow induced by general regularised stokeslets. An explicit formula for the flow from any regularised stokeslet is first derived, which is shown to simplify for spherically symmetric blobs. Far from the centre of any regularised stokeslet we show that the flow can be written in terms of an infinite number of singularity solutions provided the blob decays sufficiently rapidly. This infinite number of singularities reduces to a point force and source dipole for spherically symmetric blobs. Slowly-decaying blobs induce additional flow resulting from the non-zero body forces acting on the fluid. We also show that near the centre of spherically symmetric regularised stokeslets the flow becomes isotropic, which contrasts with the flow anisotropy fundamental to viscous systems. The concepts developed are used to identify blobs that reduce regularisation errors. These blobs contain regions of negative force in order to counter the flows produced in the regularisation process, but still retain a form convenient for computations. a