In this paper we present algorithms for an efficient implementation of the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition method (LOD). The LOD is a multiscale method for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations with a continuum of inseparable scales. We show how the method can be implemented in a fairly standard Finite Element framework and discuss its realization for different types of problems, such as linear elliptic problems with rough coefficients and linear eigenvalue problems. the field of multiscale partial differential equations including rough polyharmonic splines [41], iterative numerical homogenization [42], and gamblets [43]. While previous works focused on the numerical analysis of the method, this paper aims at the detailed explanation of how the method can be algorithmically realized. We give detailed explanations on how the method works on an algebraic level. The results may as well be useful for implementing related multiscale methods.
PreliminariesIn this section we recall the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition (LOD) for finite element spaces. The decomposition is always with respect to a linear elliptic part of the differential operator.
Computational domain and boundaryFor the rest of the paper, we consider a bounded polygonal domain Ω ⊂ R d . The boundary ∂Ω is divided into two parts Γ D and Γ N . On Γ D we prescribe a Dirichlet boundary condition and on Γ N we prescribe a Neumann boundary condition. We have Γ D ∪ Γ N = ∂Ω and we assume Γ D = ∅. With that, we define the spacewhere v |Γ D = 0 is understood in the sense of traces.
Elliptic differential operatorSubsequently we consider the following differential operator. Let κ ∈ L ∞ (Ω, R d×d ) denote a matrix-valued, symmetric, possibly highly varying and heterogeneous coefficient with uniform spectral bounds γ min > 0 and γ max ≥ γ min , σ(κ(x)) ⊂ [γ min , γ max ] for almost all x ∈ Ω.This coefficient defines a scalar product A(·, ·) on H 1 Γ D (Ω) that is given by
Meshes and spacesWe wish to discretize a problem that is associated with A(·, ·). Then the discretization is constrained by the diffusion coefficient κ, in the sense that variations of κ must be resolved by the computational mesh. We call such a discretization a fine scale discretization. In addition to this, we have a second discretization on a coarse scale. The coarse mesh is arbitrary and no more related to A(·, ·). It contains elements of maximum diameter H > 0. The fine mesh consists of elements of maximum diameter h < H. Let T H , T h denote the corresponding simplicial or quadrilateral subdivisions of Ω into (closed) conforming shape regular simplicial elements or conforming shape regular quadrilateral elements, i.e.,Ω =We assume that T h is a regular, possibly non-uniform, mesh refinement of T H . Furthermore we also assume that T H and T h are shape-regular in the sense that there exists a positive constant c 0 such that max maxand regular in the sense that any two elements are either disjoint, share exactly one face, share exactly one edge, or share exactly one ve...